Have you ever observed hummingbirds? My parents have a "hummingbird hangout" on their front porch. Late summer brings large numbers of these fascinating flyers as they prepare to journey south for the winter. They feast in a frenzy of zipping and diving and chasing one another, their high pitched chattering heard above the buzzing of unseen wings. While waiting for my parents to return home one Sunday evening from an outing with my children, I sat on the front porch in stillness and watched. I counted at least ten hummingbirds visible at one time, vying for the four precious spots on the feeder. One hummingbird, more aggressive than the rest, spent much of its time chasing off the others – all for a sip of sweet nectar that lasted for mere seconds. In moments of stillness like this, I often hear the whispers of the Spirit. What if all His precious children were as eager as those hummingbirds to feast on the sweet truths hidden in His Word? What if our sole purpose each day was to stay near the Savior so we wouldn’t miss an opportunity to be filled with His goodness? What if we actively defended our closeness with the Lord by chasing away the distractions that clamor for our time. Hummingbirds are focused on the nectar. They may zip and buzz around, occasionally landing in a nearby tree for a moment’s rest, but their primary goal is a sip of the sweet, life sustaining juice. Time alone with God is what sustains us as Christians. He must be our focus. We must seek Him in all we do, consistently hovering in His presence so as not to miss the sweet gifts He has prepared. Filling up on His love and goodness is what gives us hope and encouragement for the journey ahead.
Praying that you experience moments of stillness and whispers of love among the busy buzzing of today.